Do you want to meet my coach?

Do you want to meet my coach?

I don’t know about you, but lockdown has conjured up some weird coping mechanisms. I was pretty good at working from home, I would have my set hours and then get up and go and do something in the evening… even if that was finding a happy hour in a bar at...

How to Retire in 19 Years

I really hate to burst your bubble, but within the next 10 years, the retirement age is going up to 67 for both men and women. Are you really looking forward to working for that extra 2 years… that’s an extra 4,032 hours if you take into account you are roughly...
How To Approach Education (Yes, even Property Education)

How To Approach Education (Yes, even Property Education)

Did you know that I’m still undertaking qualifications? I’m doing a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education through Oxford Brookes at the moment. Whilst not time-consuming (as you really are meant to be able to fit this around everything else you do),...
The 12 Month Rule With Refurbishments

The 12 Month Rule With Refurbishments

I’m always asked, “as a general rule of thumb, how much should I spend on refurbishments”? It’s a good question and one that’s got a really simple answer. You should spend as much as it will take you to pay it back within 12 months or...