It’s happening, I’m putting it out there, a webinar giving you the facts about becoming an investor.

It’s starting with a FREE call tonight (6th December 2016) from 7pm-8:30pm GMT.

I want to know about you, what your goals and aspirations are. Why property, why now? What get’s you motivated? Let’s kick off your 2017 before it’s even begun. Once I’ve got that down, we can then chat through my new 8 week challenge. It’s designed to make sure you get to where you need to be.

I have to get something straight with you. I’m a seasoned investor, I get it. I invest, I’ve done the strategy behind huge institutional investors’ deals. I completely understand what it takes to make it in property and also I see through the BS.

To be a property investor you have to be prepared to learn from the basics up, give deals ago, get out of your comfort zone and definitely not act like an ostrich (head in the sand type thing).

I’m not going to pretend it’s easy, but I will make it as simple as possible and make sure that you are actually getting what you deserve out of the hard work you put in.

I want to personally work with you to make your goals happen in a realistic time frame FOR YOU. I’m not about out sourcing, if I say I’m going to support you I mean it, I will be there through thick and thin. I want you to succeed, as much as you want to succeed.

I’ve never been so excited to get something out there and work with people like you.

To get details for the call all you need to do is head over to the Property Investing for Beginners Facebook group and use the call details to jump onto it.

I would love to have you there, and if you do make it then I look forward to meeting you on there.