Where NOT to get your fees from and the IMPORTANCE of conflicts of interest
Conflicts of Interest and what it really means to be impartial Welcome to our Property Investment Podcast hosted by Natasha Collins of NC Real Estate. This podcast “Where NOT to get your fees from and the IMPORTANCE of conflicts of interest”, is the 5th...
The 1954 Act – It’s Importance In Commercial Property
Business tenancies are governed by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Part II. Essentially tenancies which fall within this act have security of tenure. This means they have an automatic right to renew at the end of the lease. This is incredibly important when looking...
Why Location Doesn’t Matter As Much As EXPERTISE… STOP SHEEP INVESTING
Yup, you guessed it… EXPERTISE trumps Location (no matter how you look at it) I went on a trip to Nottingham this week to look at a potential property for my portfolio. I had been told by so many other Investors that Nottingham has past it’s sell by date with...