Hi Property Investment Lovers!
I have something really awesome to share with you today- it’s been a subject we are discussing over at the booming Property Investment Mastery Group.
And to mix things up, I thought I’d put the topic of Comparable Evidence And It’s Role in Your Mortgage Valuation into a nifty Challenge format.
Why a Challenge? Good question. Because I want to use my platform to enable people to grow and develop professionally- and the best way to do that is to offer you opportunities in which you can challenge yourselves.
In this challenge we look at comparable evidence and which property transactions are the most important when determining value… your job is to guess the order of importance (hierarchy) of comparable evidence and determine which transactions carry the most weight when valuing your property.
So, go on… Take a look at the first 2 images in this blog. Give it your best shot! Do some research, come over to the Property Investment Mastery Group on FB and ask a few questions if you are stuck, make some phone calls- remember the learning process is a lot about networking with relevant people in the Property Industry!
And of course, I’m always here for you too. Just email [email protected]
The 3rd image in the blog will be the answers to the Challenge- so once you’ve given the Challenge your best shot then go ahead and check your answers.
And please let me know what you have learnt, what you found confusing , daunting, exciting.. or what you would like to see more of.
It’s really me at the other side of this blog! So get in touch and let’s get chatting PROPERTY !
P.S. Enjoy the Challenge 🙂