Hello everybody- yes, you did it again! You made it through another week. Take a look back at this past week, what were your successes? (I’m giving you a virtual high-5 for them!) It’s also really important to look at what didn’t work so well. What could you have done differently?

success, celebrate, achievement

Looking back at your week, find something you can REALLY celebrate

No matter how experienced you are in your profession, some ‘curve-ball’ is going to come up at some point and it’s ultimately your ability to view a situation in a positive light that will get you through it. A question I like to ask myself when a challenge arises is, “How can I learn from the situation?”

Sometimes though, the ‘curve-balls’ can be much bigger than you could ever have anticipated and can lead to a serious melt-down, both in your professional or personal life.

That’s why I wholeheartedly support Lion Heart. You haven’t heard about it? It’s an organisation that is associated with RICS and its members which supports surveyors on their professional and personal journeys. Sometimes you’ll just need to have a listening ear, and sometimes you may have to apply for a grant to get you through a really tough time. They provide support to people in all kinds of ‘sticky’ situations.

In short, it’s an organisation that I really support.

help. difficulty, lion heart, NC Real Estate

Sometimes the pieces in your life don’t fit as easily as you would like. Reach out for the help that’s there

On Tuesday this past week, I was invited again to give a Supercharge Your Wellbeing seminar (this time in Leicester) to a group of young professionals starting out on the professional journey. I thought long and hard about what I considered to be of utmost importance. It’s not just about making money; it’s about how you do it.

One word: Compassion.

compassion, virtue, workplace

Compassion in the work place is a highly underestimated virtue- try it out, it feels good

What I spoke about went something like this:

Compassion is something which allows you to understand, appreciate and accept what someone else is experiencing, without judgement. It opens you up to connecting with that other person and to get on board with their needs…

It’s always an incredible experience having an open conversation within the industry about the things other professionals are also struggling with. Who knows? You may meet people who are in exactly the same situation as you- lend a helping hand, you know? Trust me, it will come back when you really need it.

Compassion is up there among the highest of virtues (in my opinion!). Having their colleagues be supportive and non-judgemental; yes, that’s a working environment I want to be in.

If someone takes the time to explain to you how they are feeling and what their needs are, either meet this with a sensitive and listening ear or politely decline, do not go out of your way to make an example of them or make it worse.

The property industry is one which constantly breaks its own boundaries, but as with all walks of life it’s got a little way to go to be perfect.

One step and one non-judgement at a time will consistently make it a better and better place to work!

compassion, workplace, help, empathy

One step at a time and showing a little compassion can unify us and make the Property Industry THE place to work


We are all in this together.

So there are my thoughts for the week! Comment in the section below and share some POSITIVE stories you have had with colleagues who acted compassionately towards you.

Wait, there’s more…..

When you’re done with that come on over and check out my Property Investment Mastery Facebook group here; you’ll get all sorts of great tips and stay in the forefront of this awesome industry.

Up for a long trip across country? Follow my Podcast on iTunes; Lorenza and I talk about a ton of interesting topics, from “Becoming the Boss of your Property Portfolio” to “Why You Should be Investing in a Mentor”. There is a little something for everyone.

Until next week.

Yours in Property,


NC Real Estate