This week I talk to Jane Ballantyne about her research into fire safety within high rise buildings and her reaction to the findings of the enquiry into the disaster at Grenfell.

If you scroll down you will find a Pre-Tenant Move In Check List! Please use it and read the references!


The biggest message that comes across is shock and disbelief. Jane has previously surveyed buildings and advised on defects that would promote the spread of fire… she had hoped that the construction of buildings would have changed since. However, as we’ve since learnt through the atrocities at Grenfell, lessons weren’t learnt and that’s terrifying. Now more than ever construction must change and it seems as if slowly but surely, that’s happening.

We also talk about what you can do as a Landlord / Investor / Surveyor to prevent such atrocities from occurring in your building.

This conversation is a necessity. No one should be dying as a result of fires in buildings. It’s time to put this right.

Useful links:

Property Investment Mastery Facebook Group:

This is the link to the MHCLG site – Building Safety Programme – which gives good advice for building owners post Grenfell –


Fire Evacuation Plan Template –

Fire safety risk assessment: means of escape for disabled people –

Ministry of Housing Consultation –

It’s Time To Take Action

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Finally, I want to hear from you. What do you pledge to do on your property portfolio as a result of this podcast?
