I’ve been reading “Peak” by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool. I’ve been incredibly interested to find out how people get to the ‘peak’ of their career, skill or hobby.

Often investors get so caught up in the fact that they haven’t got as many properties as someone else, or that something isn’t going quite right when the next person did it perfectly. 

That frustration can cause them to quit, or get distracted by something else that they believe that they can make happen quicker…

But the research that Ericsson & Pool have found, suggests that success which happens overnight 9/10 is a fluke (or the person hasn’t told you how hard they worked previously). 

Instead, success comes from THOUSANDS of hours of deliberate practice… practice that is followed by feedback with how you’ve performed, rather than the type of practice you do meaninglessly.

It’s about settling in to do the task at hand, then looking at the results, analysing what has happened and fine-tuning it.

You make think that you can’t ‘practice’ property. But, you most definitely can.

Learning how to be confident speaking to members of your team, agents, banks and then assessing how the conversation went.

Dissecting a deal and analysing the figures… what worked, what didn’t, how can you improve for next time.

Chances are, those who you admire for being property investment successes, have been fine-tuning their art for hours and hours and hours. At the point of writing, I’m at over 17,500 hours of property experience…

If you aren’t at that level, that’s completely fine. Don’t berate yourself for not being that ‘success’ you want to be… applaud yourself for getting to where you are and then start using feedback from your current performance to fine-tune your practice.

You will get to where you want to be, practice and all is coming.
