NC Real Estate’s competition is open once again, this week you can win a Property Investment Goodie Bag worth over £300 simply for signing up to my FREE Property Investment Success Summit!


I know how hard it is when you are a Property Investor, trying to figure out what to do. I have been there myself. There are often times when you feel like a leg up, or something to help would go a long way.

Which is why I am giving my subscribers not only an awesome package of Info through the Success Summit but also the chance to win something to help them with their property ventures long term so that they can keep taking action!

All you have to do is sign up to my Success Summit, make sure my email address [email protected] is marked in your safe senders list and stay on it!

So, not only do you get fabulous, exclusive content on my Summit. It also pays to be on it too!


You can enter my competition here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Once you’ ve entered watch out for an email from me [email protected] which will have all of the details on it for what to do next! Remember to check your junk if its not in your inbox as sometimes my mail could get stuck in there.

This week you will get all of the following FREE goodies:


The competition is open NOW and closes at 5pm on the 6th October 2017 where the winner will be picked at random!

Good luck, and if you are the winner then don’t forget to let me know how to spend it!

