I know it’s super tough keeping up with everything as a Landlord, but this week’s Property Management Monday’s covers the 5 most important things you must keep up with – it’s NON-NEGOTIABLE:

As promised here are the links to the websites that will help you out. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you GET THIS DONE. If you are at all unsure and would like more advice the local fire brigade or your local council are actually your friend in this situation – ask questions, make sure you get it right. DO NOT put your tenants in danger.

  1. Gas Safety / Carbon Monoxide (CO2) Alarms / Find an Engineer
  2. Electrical Safety 
  3. Fire Safety – Please also contact your local fire station for more info
  4. Water Safety
  5. Emergency Evacuation / Gas Emergency

UK Government Legislation

As a Landlord you need to do your due diligence and make sure your premises is health and safety compliant. I have not covered everything here, but some very very important examples. Keep up to date with legislation and make sure you are on it. You can always ask your local council if you feel you are unsure.

Share this video and make sure all Landlords and Managing Agents are getting H&S compliant it is essential to making sure the rental market is full of high quality, safe, fabulous stock.

Make sure you sign up to our newsletter for all of my up to date news, knowledge and some super awesome info that only my subscribers get. Remember to keep being the best Landlord and Managing Agent you can be.

Our dream is that the rental market is only seen in an exceptionally positive light and so we are here to teach you and support you along the way.