What’s Commercial Property?
I’m going back to basics this week and addressing the question What’s Commercial Property? (Did you know that’s the most googled thing about commercial property) Here’s the basics… want to know more plus go through case studies and investment hotspots listen to...
Honest Property Investment Decisions with Current Market and Economic Conditions
For many economies, a recession is again on the horizon, which is the case for the UK. The economy is probably already in a mild recession, with growth expected to stay negative for the rest of this year. According to PWC UK, the forecast is that UK inflation will...
What can SSAS invest in?
A Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) is a business term for a pension trust set up by a limited company or a partnership. Most SSASs are created by privately held or family-owned businesses to benefit their owners, directors, and senior employees. Members of the...
Commercial Property Investors, Tax Break News on Residential Property & Developers and CIL Changes
Commercial Property Investors, keep putting in offers to change the market! To all commercial property investors, I don’t have to tell you that we are in a period of inflationary times and to curb that interest rates are rising. This means that borrowing...