Projects require a lot of co-ordination and patience as per my blog Property Managing Your Refurb. However there is one item in the refurbishment pipeline that can really change that around.
Creating a mood board! Mood boards can be used for anything – a colour pallet for your room, furniture you would like to see in your property, things that you have to do within the refurbishment, the type of property you want to buy – they can be used for across the board and are a great creative outlet for your ideas.
The mood board for the feature image is ideas for the living room in the flat we are refurbishing – duck egg to go with the white walls and natural carpet. It will look very elegant in the listed building. The board started with using the fabric of a sofa that was pre-brought before the flat (unused from elsewhere!), and then all the ideas on top are pieces that could work well within the room. The beauty is that they may not be an exact colour match, but they still compliment each other.
Other mood boards that are really useful are for bedroom / living room / kitchen furniture – grouping them together and then adding or taking away items leaves you with furniture that you actually need within the room and gives you a focused list for efficient shopping.
The best thing about mood boards is that they are quite therapeutic – they make you stop and concentrate on one area within your project. They don’t have to be neat and tidy, they don’t ever have to be right, and it doesn’t have to be what goes in your property, but it gets the ideas flowing.
Pinterest is such a good tool for creating mood boards if you are online and want to share ideas with other people. Alternatively (as I have done) you can use paint to mesh together ideas or you could get creative with scissors and glue and a scrap book – whatever works best for you, find pictures and stick them together.
My biggest hope with this blog, is that even if you think it is a really simple idea, one that has been mentioned everywhere, if you feel you need time out from whatever project you are working on, even if you are looking to buy your next property, stop and get creative – provide visualisations of what you are going for, your dreams and passions and then you have goals and a path to walk along. It makes things so much calmer!
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