Here is truly one of of the most inspiring, heart warming stories. It’s about being brave, giving fearlessly and helping without worrying about the outcome. It doesn’t matter where you are in life, what you are doing or the time it takes, sometimes if someone else needs you, you’ve got to give as much as you can to help. No matter what.

Being Brave – Helping Someone No Matter What

Yesterday morning, whilst driving to work, Mum was flagged down on the A419 by an elderly lady in a nightdress. Cars were flying by, not worrying about someone who was in real need and distress.

Gut instinct told Mum that something was badly wrong. So she pulled up to see what she could do to help.

As it turns out, her husband, was having a heart attack. The pair (in their late 80’s) had stopped the night before to sleep and had got up to continue their journey, when the man collapsed.

Without worrying about what the rest of the day had in store, or the outcome of the situation Mum called 999 and set about the gruelling task of trying to save this mans life.

Firstly knocking on other car doors of people in the lay-by to get them 1. to help the distressed lady and 2. to help with CPR and then making sure that the lady was calm and dressed so that she could set about carrying out the much needed CPR.

Regardless of whether the man was going to make it, and against the advice of passers by, Mum continued to try and resuscitate  the man, following the step-by-step instructions of 999 on the end of the phone. This went on for 20 minutes until the emergency services turned up to take over.

It wasn’t a survival story for the man.

The Beauty of the Gesture

But, this act of stopping to help, did something even more powerful that can’t be undone. Mum gave a distressed lady, a stranger, someone she had no other relationship with other than stopping when being flagged down, hope that there are people out there who do help when you are put in the worst case situation. It builds trust and confidence. Hopefully, the lady, will one day be able to continue her travels, knowing that if she was ever stuck there are people that will help her navigate any situation. How incredible is that, knowing that you can count on strangers?

What’s even more amazing is the care and support between two strangers and the empathy that you can feel someone even from a distance, to want to slow down and do what you can to get them out of that situation.

So Be Brave and Help Fearlessly

Well I hope for one that it’s warmed your heart up a little on a cold October morning. But I also hope that it makes you stop and think for a second. Why rush past someone who is genuinely in need, even if you feel you don’t know how you can help? The want to help speaks volumes and the support you give can build mountains.

So rather then having you head buried in your phone or your newspaper. Or switching your gaze to that spot just between everyones eyes. Getting buried in your life, job, work. Why not just take a second to look around and check that everyones OK. That’s all you need to do to be brave and help fearlessly. You never know a fleeting glimpse could really help someone else’s life.

Happy Friday!