Why is the Comfortable Entrepreneur feeling guilty? Well it’s completely taboo nowadays to admit how you look after yourself whilst you work. Let’s have a look:

The Working Perception

It seems like there is a massive competition going on in the world of work. Who worked longer, how many emails you answered, what time you are ‘switched on’ until. It’s madness, but it’s easy to get sucked in. All you want to do is show your worth, and worth seems to be giving your everything, time included.

The Guilt

As an entrepreneur I find this incredibly hard. It’s a bone of contention, anybody even questioning what time I got up and what I’ve been doing, I would get angry. I felt like they were making assumptions that I was lazy because I didn’t have set day job hours or structure. The guilt kicked in and it slowly ate away at me. Partnered with the fact that I wasn’t even really hitting my goals. It got to the stage where I wouldn’t even let my partner joke about it. Literally sense of humour failure meltdown.

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this? It must be more wide spread than me, that as an entrepreneur you feel guilty about being self structured, to the extent that you don’t let anyone into your daily routine.

Turning the Tables

As my confidence increased and my excitement in myself and my product sky rocketed the guilt began to slip away. ‘Hey, I’m actually doing what I want’. I didn’t want to be doing hundreds of hours a week, answering shed loads of emails and just not being me.

The Comfortable Entrepreneur

As it turns out the comfortable entrepreneur has got it made and definitely hasn’t got anything to feel guilty about, unless it’s not 100% spending their time how they want to spend it.

I really love the 8am-9am slot in the gym, whilst everyone else is on the commute. My getting ready time takes me up to 10am and I am ready to get fired up with my day. Lunch is as and when I’m ready and I absolutely love a 3pm walk. If there are calls late afternoon then I can sit curled up on the sofa or in bed and do them. Or, if it’s just me then I can find the coffee shop with the best fire to go and camp out next to. I don’t have to be in work every morning or every afternoon. If I want a weekend away, a long one, I can have it and if I want to change what days of the week I work I can do that to.

So, why should the comfortable entrepreneur guilty if they are genuinely doing what they love?

How do you spend your days? Furthermore have you ever had that awful guilt feeling and then tried to make yourself work longer? Or, do you love being a comfortable entrepreneur and handle it like a boss? Let me know in the comments section below, I would love to hear from you!

Don’t forget to join me every Friday for my entrepreneur diaries. It’s all about life right now as I’m handling it and it’s a weekly adventure!