Productivity, it’s the dream isn’t it? To have days when we get everything done with time to spare. As a property investor we are always looking at our end goals and frustrated when our actions don’t get us there immediately. This can be demotivating and downright frustrating.

So to make sure you can keep taking action, I’ve put together the productivity tools that I use to get stuff done. Small actions = huge successes.

  1. Email templates save time. As an Air BnB host I get guests sending me pretty similar requests. So I save templates and just hit send when they ask. Yup, 2 seconds of work for huge results.
  2. Use contractors who have a booking system. My cleaners have an email form which automatically lets me know if I have my cleaning booked. My plumber sends an automatic update with booking and time of arrival.
  3. Start your day right. Smoothie (apple / banana / spinach / oats), gym (HIIT – 30 second sprint with weights), dog walks then my top 5 tasks for the day – starting with the most difficult first.
  4. Keep an eye on your accounts… check in daily, write it down. What you notice, will grow!
  5. Yes, I can moan and complain, but I also notice what’s gone well. Enjoy the small wins. Even if it’s that perfect cup of coffee. If you see the good in an activity you will want to do it more, so see it’s positives and you will want to do it again… repetitive action = huge results.
  6. Put your phone on silent and turn it over so you can’t see the screen. You can answer your phone in your own time, not on the time of the person who’s calling you.
  7. Learn the time when you can do the most work – I love working in the late afternoon and weekends, it’s when I can just sit and get into my work done. Find that time and keep it sacred for working. It doesn’t have to be a daily thing.
  8. Perfect doesn’t always cut it… If I’m not feeling something I give myself 25 mins to just do it and get it out. Done always feels better. Use this approach to search for property or speak to lenders.
  9. Have a 10 minute phone call rather than send 50 emails… it stops messages from getting misinterpreted and it builds relationships. It also saves huge amount of time.
  10. If you are in a triggered situation, where a situation is getting heated. Stop, take a breath and give yourself 12 hours of self-care. Eat good food, sleep for a minimum of 8 hours and make a reasoned decision from a fresh perspective.

Which one of these productivity tips are you going to take action on? Let me know in the comments section below!
