30 Things I Learnt Before Turning 30
I’m 30 on Monday 18th March (have I already said it enough?!). It’s a big deal because I feel my 20’s were where I was learning to be me, and now I get to actually be me. I saw that Taylor Swift recently wrote the same titled piece for Elle. Whilst, I’m not a...
How To Trick Yourself Into Saving
Finally, in my very very late 20’s… I mean a couple of days away from 30 and I’ve just started properly saving. I’ve said it on many occasions, that I am just terrible at saving. Chris, my Fiancé, on the other hand is freaking awesome at it. That boy...
Book Review: Sarah Knights’ Calm the F*ck Down
When I come back to the UK, I LOVE picking up a good book… or a few. Mainly because they are so much cheaper to buy in the UK than the US. This week I just finished reading Sarah Knights’ Calm the F*ck Down. This is an aeroplane read… every time I fly to a new...