I need some help please ?

I need some help please ?

Sometimes in life you’ve gotta change things up to improve them… Right now I’m focusing on my podcast, I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing over there… iTunes click HERE All other platforms click HERE Simply put, we’re taking a 2 week break to make it...
How to make the RIGHT decision in Property Investment

How to make the RIGHT decision in Property Investment

Property investment decisions. I would like to tell you that they are all made strategically. If you’ve not heard it before, I firmly believe that deciding on what property investment decision to make comes in ‘6 Buckets’: Growth potential – How you’re going to...
Systemising your business in 10 Steps

Systemising your business in 10 Steps

I’m going to be honest and say, when I first started out as a property manager I had no idea what I was doing. When I first set up my business, I had no idea what I was doing. Every morning I’d get up, put 101 things on my to do list. Try complete them all and be...