The New Years Eve Podcast
Join Lorenza and I as we have an overview chat about 2019… including all the highs and lows! We chat about changes that happened with NCRE and the Members’ Club as well as many personal successes that shaped this year. We focus on a couple of members on the...
Christmas Traditions {MERRY CHRISTMAS}
Merry Christmas! I’m celebrating Christmas Eve by inviting my sister Sophie and Mum on the podcast to discuss our Christmas Traditions and share some funny stories! I won’t be spending Christmas with them this year, as they will all be with my sister Amy. This year...
Queens Speech: We’ve heard it all before STOP TALKING START DOING
Ahh, I haven’t blogged for ages. Being 100% transparent, it’s because I made my mindset that there was a specific way of writing and I’d get 0 views if I didn’t do it properly… it’s the social media comparison rubbish. Oh and also...
Keep Calm and Carry On: Property Investing with Mum
My Mum is back on the podcast this week, by popular demand! We talk about how Mums thoughts and feelings about property investment have changed over the last 2 years AND her advice to anyone wanting to do something similar. As a first time landlord (and after a fair...