Our Passion for Interior Design
The NC Real Estate team has a collective passion for interior design. It’s a subject that when I brought it up everyone jumped on. So, as we are developing more projects, we have to get design savvy and so we are bringing you guys along for the ride. Every...
Aim for More – Make the Decision
Aim for More – Make the Decision I’m always on a look out for improving myself for the better, my motto is ‘aim for more’. I think that’s a trait of a business owner, constantly seeking self-improvement. I know I’m a little late to the Think and Grow...
No More Mortgage Interest Tax Relief, Our Clients & Networking
I’m discussing No More Mortgage Interest Tax Relief, how Our Clients Mean the World to Us and Property Investment Mastery Networking, but first let me begin with a reality check… Reality Check When you work for yourself it’s sometimes easy to completely over think and...