So long NYC AND How to create your own Podcast!

So long NYC AND How to create your own Podcast!

Hi I’m going to keep it brief this week!  I’m surrounded by boxes. Everything is going into storage tomorrow morning apart from what we can fit in the Tesla for the next three months. Covid has certainly thrown up some challenges this year in terms of...
We can’t do it all alone (My path to HERE)

We can’t do it all alone (My path to HERE)

Getting into the property industry was not my first option **SHOCK** . I was desperate for a job when I graduated… 42 applications and nothing (it was 2009, in the depths of the credit crunch). I had my lettings manager job at a lettings agent, but I really didn’t...
UK Property Market Predictions

UK Property Market Predictions

All I’m being asked about at the moment is: ‘Where do you see the property market going?’ At the moment there’s a lot of excitement, prices are being pushed up. SDLT relief, cheap finance plus pent up demand from lockdown are meaning that there are more buyers out...
How to Find the Right Property

How to Find the Right Property

I guarantee that if you are struggling to find the right property the reason will be one or all of the following: You haven’t set goals and conditions for the right property You aren’t being targeted enough in your search area You’ve not spoken to enough agents You...