Commercial. Residential. Risk
Today, I’m excited to invite Faith Locken to the podcast where we discuss commercial, residential, risk and more. CLICK THIS LINK TO LISTEN If there’s one big takeaway you should be getting from Covid 19, is that going forward we need to diversify our portfolios to...
I’m Outraged, I’m Learning, I’m Taking Action
I’m outraged at the murders of George Floyd Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Sean Reed, Nina Pop, and Tony McDade. People using their power to kill others who they think are ‘less than’ is worse than atrocious. I was absolutely devastated at Amy Coopers treatment of...
The Struggle with Construction Supply Chains and Listed Buildings
Hi One of the things we’ve been struggling to get hold of in the New Jersey Development is Kitchen Cupboards. We’ve changed the design to accommodate whatever we can get hold of. (There’s obviously no point delaying things because we’d like matt black cupboards, over...
Lockdown Life with Chris Cairns
Hi, I hope you had a good bank holiday weekend? It’s been one of reflection for me… after a fabulous week opening the Members Club last week and welcoming so many new Members into my community, I’ve had a weekend of watching Netflix, finishing off some epic books and...