Blind Spots in Property Investment you NEED to be aware of RIGHT NOW!
The property market is getting tricky. There are so many blind spots in the industry wrapped up like Christmas Presents, that investors/buyers just simply don’t notice. And that is where it will cost you long term. It may look really nice that some new build apartment...
What are we going to do with these empty Debenhams units?!
There are currently 124 Debenhams units employing 12,000 members of staff across the UK. When the stores close down, that’s an awful lot of empty space clogging up the high street. ‘Clogging’ funny word to use, right? But, in all honesty that’s what will happen. There...
What’s Wrong With My Strategy
Do you want the good news first or the good news first? 🙂 We’re offering a totally free and no-strings-attached webinar called Uncover the “secret sauce” to building a profitable property portfolio on the 30th November 2020 @18:30pm-19:30pm UK time. Best to book your...
The Good The Bad and the Ugly in the Market Right Now
Does it seem a little like the wild west right now? Lockdown. Threats to democracy. Too hot to handle property market? Whilst I can’t solve political leaders throwing their toys out the pram, I can give you some encouragement for how to handle the property market. The...