How To Approach Education (Yes, even Property Education)

How To Approach Education (Yes, even Property Education)

Did you know that I’m still undertaking qualifications? I’m doing a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education through Oxford Brookes at the moment. Whilst not time-consuming (as you really are meant to be able to fit this around everything else you do),...
Why You Need To ‘Play’ With Property Investment

Why You Need To ‘Play’ With Property Investment

I was in a yoga class when something revolutionary happened… the teacher said ‘today I want your intention to be focused on playing with the poses’. I thought to myself ‘Hell yes, I’m down!!’ and so I followed the poses in my own way… the result a deeper child’s...
Garghh, Freaking Property Investment Scams!!

Garghh, Freaking Property Investment Scams!!

Every single day I get people asking me whether what I do is a scam… then when I question why it is they are asking, it turns out that they’ve been caught at a free event and pressured into spending £26k with a mentor. Wow It just blows me away that this is even...
How Yoga Helps Me In Prosperity

How Yoga Helps Me In Prosperity

For years and years, I have done yoga on and off. Recently, I’ve started taking it more seriously, giving myself the time to go to yoga 3-4 times a week. The reason I love it so much is that I get to leave my phone at home, throw my hair up in whatever mess it...